Keywords: Advanced Search Government Structures & Parastatals #0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abood Seed Oil Industries Ltd Tel: +255 23 260 3305Fax: +255 23 260 3039City: MorogoroCountry: Tanzania Agip (Tanzania) Ltd Tel: +255 5118 0110Fax: +255 5118 1374City: Dar es SalaamCountry: Tanzania Association of Kilimanjaro Coffee Growers Tel: +255 27 275 4851Fax: n/aWebsite Address: www.kilicafe.comCity: MoshiCountry: Tanzania Authorised Association Consortium-AAC Tel: +255 22 266 8615Fax: +255 22 266 8609Website Address: Dar Es SalaamCountry: Tanzania Bibiti Oil Ltd Tel: +255 550 550Fax: +255 250 0605City: MwanzaCountry: Tanzania BP Tanzania Ltd Tel: +255 22 211 2725Fax: +255 22 211 2726Country: Tanzania Bukoba Women Empowerment Association (Buwea) Tel: +255 784 657 444Fax: +255 767 843 843Website Address: n/aCity: BukobaCountry: Tanzania Coastal Oil Industries Ltd Tel: +255 22 286 4370Fax: +255 22 286 4344Country: Tanzania Copyright Society Of Zanzibar (COSOZA) Tel: +255 24 223 2058Fax: +255 24 223 2049Website Address: info@cosoza.or.tzCity: ZanzibarCountry: Tanzania Engen Petroleum (Tanzania) Ltd Tel: +255 22 212 7681Fax: +255 22 212 7682City: Dar es SalaamCountry: Tanzania Next →